Saturday, February 5, 2011

Being so-so is a nice way of saying you suck

The idea behind her essay is to show people to enjoy things without putting to much emphasis on being the best, or worrying about it. I can say I partially agree with this... It's to each his or her own. I know that I try to be the best in everything I do, if I can't do it that way after a few tries then I move on to the next thing. It's the way I was brought up. My father and uncle always strive for number one. I remember being a kid and playing against them,  I was always in store for a royal ass-whipping, I appreciated it.  Who wants to suck at something. I know I don't.. I don't have fun losing, thats just it, thats just me. I can say one thing the writer is good at. She did write a good essay, which she failed to mention.. I'm not the best at everything, but I'm one of the best at the things I like to do.  A little competition never hurt anyone.  Like the karate kid song said. Your the best around nothings gonna ever keep ya down.


  1. great writing and view point.
    I really like the phrase "I'm one of the best at the things I like to do".

  2. 1. You anserwered all the questions and supported it with a great example.
    5. your biggest strength your last sentence"your the best around nothings gonna ever keep ya down." i think it explains your whole journal, it sums up your whole point of view.

  3. I agree with you saying "a little competition never hurts anyone." I believe it helps you and your opponent when in competition because it makes a better person out of both of you and to see where your at in your goals. Plus, you do get a little enjoyment out of it, if you win. And I like the karate kid, both original and new!

  4. I agree that it is to each their own. Which if you don't want to work hard... don't try and play with the best. I was also brought up that way. Never be a quitter, cause a quitter is a looser... and I hate being a looser. I love having someone there to push me and make me give it my all, it's just great results in the end. Loosing is like being in elementary school, being the last kid picked to be on your team for dodgeball.
