Friday, January 28, 2011

Did I buy that ? Do I really need that ?

The purpose of Anna Quindlen's " Stuff Is Not Salvation", was to show us how we" Americans" like to blow our money. We live check to check, because we have no sense of saving, and like to buy the next thing we see in a commercial.  There seems to be holes in our pockets the moment the money gets put  there.  I know one way to save our money is, by not buying a new I-phone every few weeks.  Us as a society are easily swayed by new gadgets, new feature, bright lights and annoying little sounds. Sounds like cats I had as pets. Making them chase the little red- light beam all over the house. Us being the cats, and the retail stores chains being God.  The end result is, we end up with all these useless things, and are still paying for it years later.  I tell you what. I use to be in the rat race myself and had many fun toys, bells and whistles. I've all so lost everything. I tell you what I have been just as happy with nothing, than with  all that crap.  Once we depart from this place called Earth.  Do you think we can take any of this with us ? Spend your money on experience. Take a trip. Spend time with your love ones . Nobody can take that away from  you;. It will last forever. 


  1. HAHAHAH I agree with your blog. The funny thing is, that the new I-phones and everything aren't really what they put them out to be. I remember having a non- smart phone and my friend had an I-phone, he always had problems with his phone. Always needed to get a new one, and every time we went to the I-phone store there was a huge line of people waiting to get their phones fixed. When I had a phone that was less that half the price his was, worked all the time. I even dropped it in water like 3 times. I put it in rice, and it still worked. He is one of those, "Has to have everything" guys. And then he finds himself broke. Americans get so easily talked into by commercials its hilarious, me on the other hand, can't freaking stand the commercials, and just shut off the TV. I love how you compared us to a cat chasing a red light. It's totally true.

  2. Brian I so agree with your blog. People don't realize that once we are going all the things that they have wasted their hard earned money on will still be here.

  3. Brian. I really like this,man could relate to Anna because I was a big spender at onetime (5yrs ago) had it all too. my father above showed me what is really about.
    And it's so true, take it from one that knows first hand. you can't take it with you.

  4. 1.You covered all the questions and your answeres are all clear and understandable.
    5.your strenght was when you mentioned that when we die, leave this earth we can't take money with us, take trips the money all the toys and everything is gonna be left behind.

  5. Great blog post, I completely agree on Spending your money on experience. I really like spending my stuff on crap it makes me happy thats why I do it but i think a trip would be by far better.

    P.S.Great use of comma splicing.

  6. Great blog post, i really agree with what you have said . its really good and makes me think about things that i want and nor should have now good stuff and keeep the great work up

  7. Super easy to read and relate to. I like how you put it all together.
