Friday, January 28, 2011

Did I buy that ? Do I really need that ?

The purpose of Anna Quindlen's " Stuff Is Not Salvation", was to show us how we" Americans" like to blow our money. We live check to check, because we have no sense of saving, and like to buy the next thing we see in a commercial.  There seems to be holes in our pockets the moment the money gets put  there.  I know one way to save our money is, by not buying a new I-phone every few weeks.  Us as a society are easily swayed by new gadgets, new feature, bright lights and annoying little sounds. Sounds like cats I had as pets. Making them chase the little red- light beam all over the house. Us being the cats, and the retail stores chains being God.  The end result is, we end up with all these useless things, and are still paying for it years later.  I tell you what. I use to be in the rat race myself and had many fun toys, bells and whistles. I've all so lost everything. I tell you what I have been just as happy with nothing, than with  all that crap.  Once we depart from this place called Earth.  Do you think we can take any of this with us ? Spend your money on experience. Take a trip. Spend time with your love ones . Nobody can take that away from  you;. It will last forever. 

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Fish cheeks

Amy Tan's mother gave her a great life lesson. Being proud of who you are. Everyone is different, and this is what makes us great. If everyone were the same, life would be dull. I think im gonna go change in my "Where's Waldo outfit now". If people can't respect you for you. They aren't worth tripping on.  Is Amy Tan's crush still around? She worried herself over something that didn't matter.End result. Be yourself!!!!! You can't make everyone happy. Look at Jesus, Ghandi and Nelson Mandela. All great people. Look what the end result was. The only person you need to make happy is yourself.  If you give any person the pleasure of making you happy mad  and upset.Then you lose.  The control must be yours.

The only experiences I have that relate to this story are,  being artistic is just a nice way of being called a nerd. People don't understand that making millions of bucks at a job isn't the only key of being successful.  How many lifes have you changed with your craft. How happy are you when you are consumed by your craft? Also try getting a job being covered with tattoos. You are limited to what you can do.. Was it worth it? Yes, because I'm happy. Always be yourself. When you try and change for the sake of  trying to make someone else happy. The end result is you will always go back to being you. This is good.  I appreciate what makes us all different. Who wants someone answering their sentences? Keep in mind oil and vinegar make for a great tasting dressing.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Brian's Bio

My name is Brian. I am currently attending the AI institute of Sacramento, to gain my Associates in culinary science. I'm 31 years of age. Damn I'm getting old.  Out of 20 years of life , I've been playing drums.  I've toured many different places, one of which is the Roxy in  L.A.  The styles of drums I love playing are Jazz, Latin, Fusion, World and Hardcore. Bands in which I love are Janes Addiction, Deftones, Pantera, Rush, Korn, Ladysmith Black Mambazo, Hugh Masekela, The Police and many others.  If not drumming, you will find me cooking foods at home. I love making German, Italian and Thai dishes.