Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Fish cheeks

Amy Tan's mother gave her a great life lesson. Being proud of who you are. Everyone is different, and this is what makes us great. If everyone were the same, life would be dull. I think im gonna go change in my "Where's Waldo outfit now". If people can't respect you for you. They aren't worth tripping on.  Is Amy Tan's crush still around? She worried herself over something that didn't matter.End result. Be yourself!!!!! You can't make everyone happy. Look at Jesus, Ghandi and Nelson Mandela. All great people. Look what the end result was. The only person you need to make happy is yourself.  If you give any person the pleasure of making you happy mad  and upset.Then you lose.  The control must be yours.

The only experiences I have that relate to this story are,  being artistic is just a nice way of being called a nerd. People don't understand that making millions of bucks at a job isn't the only key of being successful.  How many lifes have you changed with your craft. How happy are you when you are consumed by your craft? Also try getting a job being covered with tattoos. You are limited to what you can do.. Was it worth it? Yes, because I'm happy. Always be yourself. When you try and change for the sake of  trying to make someone else happy. The end result is you will always go back to being you. This is good.  I appreciate what makes us all different. Who wants someone answering their sentences? Keep in mind oil and vinegar make for a great tasting dressing.


  1. Your introduction paragraph was very interesting. I liked how you answered the first two questions of the prompt, while giving examples and wrote it in a casual tone. I liked the details and descriptions you used and how easy your blog was to read, but at times the questions you asked were getting repetitive. And oil and vinegar make great dressings.

  2. 1. Your response essay was clear. It had good flow and was easy to follow. You touched on all points of "fish Cheeks" I believe.

    5. You gave great examples and suggestions!

  3. Great! Your blog was straight to the point, one the best. I agree with the tattoo thing, I am always looked like a prisoner. I have never been arested or in trouble with law, but am over it, I roll with life.

  4. I found that reading your blog was difficult. I believe you had a good point behind what you were saying, but your grammatical and punctuation skills could use a bit of work. Best of luck with your future blogs.

  5. Nice I like your closing paragraph, the way you put it together made think. Good job bro!!
